
英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇『2022全新修訂版』:書+朗讀MP3+別冊~好書精選[悅讀推薦]博客來 金石堂 好冊



  ● 從《英文閱讀特訓班:初級篇》畢業的你。
  ● 一翻開原文書、看到滿滿英文就想睡的你。
  ● 除了練習閱讀、想同步提升英語字彙量的你。
  ● 想在學測、統測、全民英檢、高普考等英文考試拿高分的你。
  ● 不管什麼原因,就是想增進英語閱讀能力的你。
  1 理解新聞標題隱含的意思
  2 確認具說服性的語言
  3 詮釋資訊及將其轉換成圖表格式
  4 人物分析
  5 分類
  6 第一人稱敘述:區分事實與觀點
  7 推論字義
  8 認識議論文的要素
  第一部分Acquiring Reading Skills 
  第二部分Putting the Skills to Practice  
  ※ 文章中文翻譯及閱讀測驗解答收錄於別冊中,建議讀者盡量先閱讀英文,再以中文翻譯作為輔助參考。

詳細網址:英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇『2022全新修訂版』:書+朗讀MP3+別冊~好書精選[悅讀推薦]博客來 金石堂 好冊


Section 1: Acquiring Reading Skills
Unit 1: Sports News in Brief
Unit 2: Singapore─Your Next Travel Destination
Unit 3: CAP Electronics of America Inc. 2021 Annual Profit Report
Unit 4: Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Unit 5: An Introduction to Classification in Biology
Unit 6: Head over Heels for a Spanish Beauty
Unit 7: The Good Food Blog
Unit 8: Refugees—Burden, Threat, or Opportunity?
Section 2: Putting Your Skills into Practice
Unit 1: Checking In: Fun or Fuss?
Unit 2: The Earth in Crisis
Unit 3: Fireflies: The Light of Nature
Unit 4: To Buy or Not to Buy: The Organic Food Debate
Unit 5: Parkour: The Art of Movement
Unit 6: Richard Wagner: Music and the Man
Unit 7: Do Animals Have a Moral Nature?
Unit 8: Hunger Marketing: Can a Short-Term Strategy Create Long-Term Success?
Unit 9: Where Have All the Bees Gone?
Unit 10: Can Slacktivism Lead to Social Change?
Unit 11: Pushing Back
Unit 12: To Cheat or Not to Cheat?
Unit 13: Anya Taylor-Joy: Long Live the Queen
Unit 14: Fair Trade: Leveling the Playing Field
Unit 15: A Feast of Colors
Unit 16: Surrounded by Medicine
Unit 17: Where Did the Memories Go?
Unit 18: Keep Calm and Drive On: Controlling Road Rage
Unit 19: Getting a Fix on Processed Food Addiction
Unit 20: Don’t Forget to Wear Green!
Unit 21: A Dirty Little War
Unit 22: The Real Scoop on Ice Cream
Unit 23: Henry Cavill: Bringing Superman to Life
Unit 24: The Long Road to Victory
Unit 25: Malta: A Tiny Country with a Lot of History
Unit 26: The Louvre-Lens: A New Museum Experience
Unit 27: Nuts! I’m Allergic!
Unit 28: Pop-Up Book Magic
Unit 29: Knot to Be: Fun Facts about Pretzels
Unit 30: Almost Good Enough to Eat
Unit 31: Vanity Height: The Race for the Tallest
Unit 32: Surprising Geography Facts
Unit 33: Crying for Health
Unit 34: When Will the Earth Shake Next?
Unit 35: Escape to Naples
Unit 36: The Real Price of Palm Oil
Unit 37: It Happened While You Slept
Unit 38: Trust in a Digital Age
Unit 39: Traditions of Love
Unit 40: Supplements: Health Wonders or Hype?
Unit 41: Elon Musk: Building a Path to Humanity’s Future
Unit 42: How Sweet It Is!
Unit 43: Building and Maintaining Muscle
Unit 44: Black: The Enduring Fashion
Unit 45: Chipping Away at Winter’s Gloom
Unit 46: Swamp Thing!
Unit 47: Putting a Stop to Hoarding
Unit 48: Viva Italia!
Unit 49: The History of Vaccines
Unit 50: What’s in a Skyscraper?
Unit 51: Internet Vigilantism
Unit 52: Share and Share Alike─Is Food Sharing the Answer to Kitchen Leftovers?

詳細網址:英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇『2022全新修訂版』:書+朗讀MP3+別冊~好書精選[悅讀推薦]博客來 金石堂 好冊


  • ISBN:9789864416394
  • 規格:平裝 / 280頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.4 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

詳細網址:英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇『2022全新修訂版』:書+朗讀MP3+別冊~好書精選[悅讀推薦]博客來 金石堂 好冊


詳細網址:英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇『2022全新修訂版』:書+朗讀MP3+別冊~好書精選[悅讀推薦]博客來 金石堂 好冊


英文閱讀特訓班-中級篇【2022全新修訂版】:書+朗讀MP3+別冊 中文書>語言學習>英語>閱讀>閱讀技巧 博客來 金石堂 好書推薦 排行榜 今日66折 網路書局 暢銷書 優質團購 熱銷特賣 網友推薦 優惠精選 超值好貨 狂降優惠 推薦必買 熱銷排行 快速到貨 必BUY超值專區 TOP熱銷排行 新品上市 最新上架


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